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My name is Jane Thickstun. I am an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, living in southwest New Hampshire.


As a Unitarian Universalist minister, I am not bound to any specific religious traditions or structures. At CelebratingLifeCeremonies, I work with you to  create your ceremony, each one a unique expression that I help articulate for you.

In all societies and cultures, people use ceremonies to celebrate life and life's passages. We mark the major turning points of life with ceremonies that make our transitions public, that invite blessings of the community and, for many, of God. These passages of life we honor go from birth to death, and everything in between. 


Together we can create a memorable wedding, a memorial service or funeral, or a baptism or naming ceremony. Or perhaps you would like to renew your commitment after many years of marriage. A commitment ceremony can be just as moving as a wedding for those who would rather not make it legally binding. 

If you're a Unitarian Universalist congregation in New England, I'm available to preach on Sundays. See the Pulpit Supply tab for sermon titles and ideas!


© 2023 by Rev. Jane Thickstun

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